
Wyświetlanie postów z październik, 2021

October Pedestrian Safety Months Remember NJ Transit Pedestrian Victim Struck By Bus Driver On October 28, 2021 In South Jersey

Remember NJ Transit Pedestrian Victim Struck By A Deadly Bus Driver On October 28, 2021, In South Jersey October is supposed to be pedestrian safety month and NJ Transit or Coach USA bus drivers are not practicing safety in the New Jersey community. Why are New Jersey politicians are writing up a bill to hold these damn bus drivers accountable? What is the point to reserve a month to raise awareness and not do anything. It just looks good on paper to show that the politicians wrote up some laws to look good and say they did something about a situation.

Remember NJ Transit Victim Struck By A Train And Seriously Injured On October 28, 2021

 Remember NJ Transit Victim Struck By A Train And Seriously Injured On October 28, 2021, In Morris NJ

Remember Coach USA Pedestrian Victim Murdered By A Deadly Bus Driver Operating a 31 Bus in South Orange, NJ

  Remember Coach USA Pedestrian Victim Murdered By A Deadly Bus Driver Operating a 31 Bus in South Orange, NJ 

Coach USA Deadly Bus Driver Struck And Dragged A Pedestrian Operating a 31 Bus in Newark, NJ

 Coach USA Deadly Bus Driver Struck And Dragged  An Innocent Pedestrian with a 31 Bus in Newark, NJ 

An NJ Transit Bus Speeding And Jumped The Curb

 An NJ Transit Bus Speeding And Jumped The Curb

Remember A Man Killed By An NJ Transit Light Rail Engineer In Trenton New Jersey

 Remember A Man Killed By An NJ Transit Light Rail Engineer In Trenton New Jersey 

A Pedestrian Struck By NJ Transit Train In Bergen County

 A Pedestrian Struck By NJ Transit Train In Bergen County

October Pedestrian Safety Month: Stop Blaming the pedestrians for their deaths and blame NJ Transit and Coach USA drivers Who Murdered Them!

These beauti f ul souls are not a number. They are families,  f riends, co-works, and pedestrians who were killed by NJ Transit/Coach USA bus drivers and train engineers.  Governor Phil Murphy, Kevin Corbett, Coach USA Director Sean Hudge, Bus Company Union, and their bus company attorneys do not care about the innocent lives murdered by their train engineers. They only care about profits, not human life's safety.  Every twice a week in a month a pedestrian is being killed by an NJ Transit/Coach USA bus driver and train engineer. Then the victims are blamed  f or their deaths and the drivers are not charged! Stop Blaming the pedestrians  f or their deaths and blame NJ Transit and Coach USA drivers Who Murdered Them! Too Many Lives Are Being Killed by NJ Transit and Coach USA Bus Driver/Train Engineer Then Swept Under the Rug! Why Are the Governors Not Speaking Out? Why Is Governor Phil Murphy Ignoring  These Deaths? These Are the Pedestrians Kil...