“We Still Need Justice” Says NJ Transit Victim’s Disable Mother

“We Still Need Justice” Says NJ Transit Victim’s Disable Mother" 

 Is Governor Ignoring Deaths of Victims Killed By Bus Drivers?

  • Naomi's son, Deshon, was the core of her life, social companion, finical provider, and driver.
  • How can this mother practice social distance and spend time with her family when her only child killed for no fault of his?
  • The mother mention that quarantine puts a massive burden on your thinking when you are all alone, knowing the person who killed your son can be at home lockdown with his loved ones.
This is the life of a disabled mother suffering from the death of her only child, who was purposely killed by NJ Transit bus/ Coach USA deadly bus driver! The tragedy of it all has led to an emotional battle for the mother.
Want to know what it feels like to have your son’s death case forgotten by the prosecutor’s office during this pandemic? Is it quite disheartening? She no longer has the help to get around to a doctor’s appointment or even the ability to buy food during the coronavirus (Covid-19) quarantine, which is stressful, a grieving mother says.
It is hard to purchase groceries during a viral pandemic when you suffer from neurological damages on the right side caused by Bloomfield, NJ police chasing a stolen car, the former Newark Teacher said.
Naomi’s son, Deshon, was the core of her life, social companion, finical provider, and driver. Those days are no more because of Coach USA bus driver Wilson Romaine, who sped around the corner, jumping the curb running the victim over twice, then dragged him!
How can this mother practice social distance and spend time with her family when her only child killed for no fault of his?

Deshon and his mother.

Naomi Johnson, a formal Newark teacher, can’t find someone to help with her shopping. It’s a physical, mental, and emotional struggle that this disabled mother has to endure. The mother implied, she does not have anyone to come to her aid in this Covid-19 Crisis. And she thinks about all the other victim’s families of NJ Transit and Coach USA deadly bus drivers. Who have carelessly killed -now those family members don’t; have the same support system.
It’s impossible to move on with your life when your loved one deliberately was killed by the bus driver, and there were no repercussions for the bus driver Wilson Romaine’s action. The mother mention that quarantine puts a massive burden on your thinking when you are all alone, knowing the person who killed your son can be at home lockdown with his loved ones. Naomi said to us with tears in her eyes “that the bus driver never took any accountability for killing her son, and he has no remorse or sympathy for taken an innocent life.” Instead, the bus driver blamed the Hip-Hop artist Deshon Johnson (victim) for his death, then played the victim role.
The disabled mother said, “now and then, she needs to make a heart-wrenching trip to the cemetery to spend time with her son during home lockdown since her son cannot be with her.”
She then asserted that she has to force herself to go to the store and standing in lengthy lines to pick up groceries, which has now become another overwhelming task without her son’s help throughout this new coronavirus pandemic.
What a disappointment that the mother forced to fight for justice for her son alone because the attorneys and Essex County Prosecutor did not do the right thing- by charging the bus driver for assault with a vehicle. Like the Essex County Prosecutor charged bus driver Fayola Howard who killed Kevin Thomas. Naomi said her son’s life is valuable, “like Kevin’s and Wilson Romaine should be in jail. Every victim’s family killed by transit drivers needs justice too, and a law to protect passengers/pedestrians from dangerous bus drivers. What about the victims?” Deshon, had a great future ahead, and he had a life, but Romaine took that from him.
The Essex County resident professed that she emailed and left telephone messages for the Acting Essex County Prosecutor Theodore Stephen II, “Ted” and Acting First Assistant Prosecutor Romesh C. Sukhdeo on March 27, 2020. Both men are dealing with her son’s poorly mishandled case by the prosecutor during this Covid-19 crisis, but neither of the gentlemen responded.
Naomi shared that the retired judge Lawrence and attorney Brian Curley mentally tormented her by showing her a picture with her son’s sneakers three inches from the curb where the driver dragged him off the curb into the street. She told us that the psychological damage is as bad as her physical damage flicked on her.
NJ Transit must clean up its act.
Phil Murphy, NJ Transit CEO Kevin Corbett, and Coach USA Sean Hudge swept countless victims’ deaths and life-changing injuries under the rug. The egregious behavior from these people is frustrating to the victims who have no more normality, especially in this crisis. It’s a challenge for the victims, emotionally, socially, and physically. There is no support for the NJ Transit/Coach USA victim’s family, who is now living alone and lonely. In this pandemic, it can be mentally dangerous for the transit victims who became disable to follow the social distance self-quarantine policy during this outbreak.
Where is accommodation for people in this situation? “Not every transit victim’s family or injured victims who became disabled by transit have a support system to help them go grocery shopping, have someone to talk to-or bring food to them during this pandemic. There should be a special treatment for NJ Transit/Coach USA family victims and disabled, injured victims throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this difficult times, these transit death cases, and life-changing injury made passenger/pedestrian situation forgotten,” Naomi said. “It’s sad.”
There is no show of corporate citizenship. Naomi said she finds it unbelievable how NJ Transit is ignoring the complaints of the people who lost loved ones killed by the deadly bus drivers and the request to fire these unqualified drivers. But honor request of the Union to create at Covid-19 Task Force at NJ Transit with Jerome Johnson the chairman of Transportation Union — cleaning protocols, protecting employees, and with public information — citizens of the state ride NJ Transit. Thus far, the largest state-run transportation company cannot develop a plan or program to stop these increasing deaths. The citizens need a sense of safety.
Naomi asks, “where is the love for humanity and justice?” Her fight for justice for her son is challenging, like the coronavirus victims’ death. She said it baffles her to see how governor Murphy is keeping a count of all the coronavirus victim’s death, but not the death total of people killed by train engineers or bus drivers.
This New Jersey resident said the Governor acknowledges the Covid-19 pandemic but is ignoring the NJ Transit/Coach USA killing epidemic. How come the Governor pass laws, so quick to protect People of New Jersey for COVID-19 but not for the deadly bus drivers killing a person?
The Governor is too busy, blaming the former Governor Chris Christie, for a nefarious administration. Still, he is not dealing with NJ Transit’s poor service and not doing anything to resolve the problem. Like Trump blames the former President Barrak Obama Administration, Murphy has been in office long enough to correct the corruption and death of all the lives killed by the bus companies’ inadequate bus drivers/train engineer. Playing the blame game will not rectify the critical issues with NJ Transit/Coach USA bus companies.
Naomi told us she had talked to Governor Murphy in Union, New Jersey, at a speaking engagement last year about implementing laws to hold transit driver actionable for the death of her son, and the other victims killed by an NJ Transit driver. Unfortunately, her request has not been acknowledged. I was taken back about the Governor’s disconnection to this issue. There are needs for a special law to be passed for the victims. It’s crucial.
The mother of transit victim, Deshon, recalled the Governor told her that he has nothing to do with NJ Transits and shuns her. His chief of Staff saw what happened and talked to the mother. Naomi was so offended and distraught by his actions that it lead her tremors to trigger off so bad that she had to be wheeled out by an ambulance and taken to Overlook Hospital.
The Governor fabricated to Deshon’s mother that he has nothing to do with NJ Transit…this is ludicrous. Phil Murphy does have an affiliation with NJ Transit. He created the first customer advocate and a chief customer experience officer position for Stewart Mader, which he signed in December. Mader’s job description is to advocate for bus drivers, train engineers, and other employees– not for passengers and pedestrians, increasing death along with safety. Murphy also appointed the head Commissioner of NJ Transit Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, ordered that all passengers and bus drivers have to wear a mask to stop the increasing death rate.
The Governor is trying to keep people safe from the virus, but not the spiking killing by the deadly bus drivers who used the bus as a weapon. I find it painful that the Governor can send out his love and condolence for the Covid-19 family victims, but not the family who loved ones killed by NJ Transit deadly bus drivers and train engineers. Including Coach USA, dangerous bus drivers.
Naomi said, “why does the Governor think Public health is the only priority, but not human bus safety. Transit is covering the severity of the death of the People in New Jersey.”
New Jersey is in a Covid-19 pandemic and citizens genocide epidemic. Why are NJ Transit CEO Kevin Corbett, police officers, and the political figures willing to protect a bus driver being assaulted by a citizen who made terroristic threats to the transit driver with scissors, but not the list of death caused by their so-called trained professional drivers?
Throughout this crisis, the victims are still being injured or killed by thoughtless bus drivers. Thus far, the deaths are continuing to be overlooked. I noticed there are a lot of advocates fighting for cleaning buses, clean trains, poor services, but not the critical death issues.
How do we know that the Governor can clean up the pandemic when he shows no interest in cleaning up New Jersey’s continuous bus drivers killing citizens epidemic? Murphy chose what human deaths should be tracked and reported dealing with Covid-19 deaths at the hospital, but not the victims’ deaths at home or the deaths of victims killed by NJ Transit/Coach USA bus drivers/train engineers.


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