Remembering NJ Transit and Coach USA Victims On Thanksgiving Day 2020

Remembering NJ Transit and Coach USA Victims On Thanksgiving Day Remember the victims who are not going to be sitting at their family Thanksgiving dinner table because they were killed by NJ Transit and Coach USA deadly bus drivers and train engineers. At this giving time, the bus drivers and train engineers are sitting at the dinner table today with no remorse for killing these innocent victims . Deshon Johnson -22-years-old, Broad Street and Bay Avenue, Bloomfield, NJ-709-July 18, 2012 by Coach USA bus driver Wilson Romain operating NJ Transit bus. (Bloomfield), (Essex County) Christie Noble Ross -21-years-old, South Munn, East Orange, NJ- January 23, 2012. Coach USA bus driver, East Orange (Essex County) Adeline Derephonse , age 53, of Irvington, NJ- intersection of South Orange Avenue and Valley Street in South Orange Village Center May 23, 2020, NJ Transit bus driver, Coach USA bus driver, South Orange, ( Essex County) Teresa Ma...